UReCares Stipend and Respite Program

Who is an Unlicensed Relative Caregiver?
An Unlicensed Relative Caregivers is a family member other than a child’s biological parents who assumes the primary caregiving responsibility for the child(ren) AND is not a licensed foster or adoptive parent.
What is the UReCares Stipend Program?
- The UReCares Program provides Unlicensed Relative Caregivers direct financial support for the care of the child(ren) in their custody.
- Through the UReCares Program, children and their Unlicensed Relative Caregiver receive direct financial support so that they can maintain family connections, receive much-needed support, reduce caregiver stress, increase childhood resilience, and eliminate the need for non-relative foster care.
- Only one Unlicensed Relative Caregiver per household may apply.
- In 2024, 129 families will receive a $1000 general stipend and an additional 70 families will receive a $500 respite stipend.
- General stipends will be paid in two $500 payments, August 1 and Oct 1, 2024. Respite stipends will be paid in one $500 payment on September 1. These stipends are a non-taxable benefit in accordance with non-profit charitable grants.
- Recipients of UReCares Stipends are chosen through a randomized blind lottery process. This means that every eligible applicant has an equal chance of receiving the stipend. Beyond eligibility requirements, the program does not penalize or give preference for any reason.
- There are no income, housing, or employment requirements for UReCares Stipends.
- There are no expectations or limitations on how an Unlicensed Relative Caregiver spends the UReCares general stipend. The UReCares respite stipend should be spent on activities that promote the self-care of the Unlicensed Relative Caregiver.
- The UReCares Stipend Program is funded by the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority and administered by the Alaska Impact Alliance.
- The UReCares Stipend Program is being studied and evaluated by a group of researchers to understand if and how direct financial assistance improves the well-being of Unlicensed Relative Caregivers and the child(ren) in their custody. See information under the Data Security and Confidentiality section.
Who is eligible to apply for this program?
Eligible participants must meet the 3 following requirements and provide documentation if chosen:
1. Unlicensed Relative Caregivers with documentation of relationship.
- Birth certificate of the child along with birth or marriage certificate of birth parent showing a connection to the relative caregiver
- Power of Attorney
- Court documentation of the relationship
- Letter confirming the relationship from the child or caregiver's AK Native or American Indian Tribe
- Letter from the AK Office of Children's Services confirming the relationship
2. Unlicensed Relative Caregivers must be at least 18 and an Alaska resident with residency documentation.
- Non-expired AK Driver's License, ID, or Instructional Permit
- Non-expired AK Vehicle Registration
- AK residential lease or sublease, mortgage payment, or property tax statement
- AK Voter Registration
- State of Alaska benefits that require claim of AK residency (Senior Benefits, Chronic & Acute Medical Assistance, General Relief, Interim Assistance, AK Housing, Energy Assistance, Old Age Assistance)
3. Unlicensed Relative Caregivers must NOT temporarily or permanently live in the same residence as the child(ren)'s birth parent(s).
- Unlicensed Relative Caregivers must NOT temporarily or permanently live in the same residence as the child(ren)'s birth parent(s).

How and when are applicants chosen?

- Limited access to Wi-Fi
- Language barriers
- A disability that bars their access to the application
- Or other circumstances,


The Alaska Impact Alliance will establish and maintain appropriate security measures designed to ensure the confidentiality of participant information and to prevent unauthorized access, destruction, loss, or alteration of such data.

Information submitted as part of the UReCares Stipend Program application process will be shared as de-identified, anonymized data with partners who assist the AIA with selection and impact assessment processes. Applicants will not be personally identified in any outputs from these processes unless additional consent is sought and secured.

Participants’ information may additionally be shared, upon consent, with local service providers that they request a referral to.

If you have questions at any time about the program or research methods, you may contact the Alaska Impact Alliance grants administrator by email at [email protected].
b. Banking information will be entered by the applicant directly into the secure Melio payment software. The applicant will choose if they would like to be paid via check or by an electronic funds transfer. The AIA will not have access to the applicant’s banking information.