Kyle Darbonne is the principal of Fireweed Academy in Homer. His passion is working with kids and families to build skills that increase resilience and set the path for a successful future. In current and previous roles, Kyle has engaged with diverse groups of children and families to implement trauma-informed education, social-emotional curriculum, and strength-based supports. He is an active member of the Southern Kenai Peninsula Resilience Coalition and Homer’s 100 Men Who Care.
Kyle and his wife, Mary, are parents of an Alaskan toddler who channels the wild energy of Kachemak Bay.
Before moving to Alaska, Kyle worked as a science teacher and later as Dean of Students at an alternative public middle and high school in Littleton, CO. Prior to taking this role at Fireweed, Kyle was the Prevention Coordinator for South Peninsula Haven House focusing on upstream solutions to SKP community issues.
Kyle received his B.S. in Biology with a Psychology minor and a Master’s in Teaching from Whitworth University in Spokane, WA. He received his Principal Certification from Lamar University and holds an administrative license in the State of Alaska.